Every student has the right to be informed upon request of their standing or performance in the Course while it is being taught (Charter of Student Rights, 23).
Every student has a right to consult any written Assessment for which they have received a mark, and to receive an explanation of their grade from the instructor (University Student Assessment Policy, 3.6.1). Final grades for Fall term courses should be posted by the day before Winter term lectures begin, while grades for Winter term courses should be posted within two weeks of the exam date.
In addition, students have a right to an impartial and competent reread of any written Assessment and, where warranted, a revision of the grade received (3.7.1). Both guarantees are subject to “reasonable” administrative arrangements and timeframe. Generally, final grades for Fall term courses should be posted by the day before Winter term lectures begin, while grades for Winter term courses should be posted within two weeks of the exam date. However, this may vary by faculty.
The administrative process for most reassessments is regulated at the Faculty level. More information on Faculty-specific policies is coming soon!
If you are encountering difficulty in receiving a grade, reviewing an assignment, or requesting a reassessment, find out who to contact.