Final Exams

Final exams are held during the Official Examination Periods in December and April. They should be worth at least 25% but not more than 75% of a total grade (University Student Assessment Policy, 6.1.3).

In the case of missed assignments or accommodations, students may elect to write a final worth more than 75%. However, they must also be given the choice of another assessment (6.1.3).

Due to the ongoing pandemic, additional policies have been put in place for the Winter 2021 Semester, governing remote examination. These policies can be found here.

Some faculties, such as Law, administer their own final exams through their Student Affairs offices. In those cases, students may be subject to additional regulations from their Faculties. If you are unsure, contact your Faculty Student Affairs office for more information, and, as always, reach out to and if you think your student rights are being violated.

Reviewing Exams

Every student has a right to consult any written Assessment for which they have received a mark, and to receive an explanation of their grade from the instructor (University Student Assessment Policy, 3.6.1). In addition, students have a right to an impartial and competent reread of any written Assessment and, where warranted, a revision of the grade … Continue reading Reviewing Exams

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Final exams are held during the Official Examination Periods in December and April, except in the Faculties of Medicine and Dentistry. Exam scheduling and conflict resolution is dealt with by the Exams Office, except in the case of Faculty-administered exams. Academic exam conflicts exist where a student has: Two exams at the same time; Three consecutive … Continue reading Conflicts

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Exam Deferrals

For classes in the Faculties of Arts and Science: Final exam deferrals can be requested through the Deferred Exam Application under the Minerva Student Records menu For all other Faculties: Students should consult the relevant Faculty Student Affairs Office.  Students in all programs except Medicine, Dentistry, and Continuing Studies can have an exam deferred for … Continue reading Exam Deferrals

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Reviewing Grades

Every student has the right to be informed upon request of their standing or performance in the Course while it is being taught (Charter of Student Rights, 23). Every student has a right to consult any written Assessment for which they have received a mark, and to receive an explanation of their grade from the instructor … Continue reading Reviewing Grades

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