
According to the University Student Assessment Policy:

  • “Assessment” entails any student activity in a Course for which a grade is granted (2.1.1.)
  • Evaluations should be fair, reasonable & reflect the content of a Course (3.1.1)

Click on the menu links below to learn more about policies regulating Assessments:


Students registering for courses during the Add/Drop period shall not be penalized for missed Assessments which were due during the course change period, including for class attendance. (University Student Assessment Policy, 3.1.5). For full-year courses, only the September Add/Drop period applies. The Add/Drop period for each term can be found here.  Labs, tutorials, conferences, and … Continue reading Scheduling

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Midterm Conflicts

Midterms are defined by McGill as “In-Term Examinations,” or exams scheduled outside of the Official Examination Periods in December and April, but also outside of regular Course hours. Under McGill policy, exams held during regularly scheduled class time do not technically count as “Midterms” (University Student Assessment Policy, 7.1). As a result, “Midterm conflicts” exist when two in-term Examinations … Continue reading Midterm Conflicts

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Grade Breakdowns

According to the University Student Assessment Policy: There should be more than one Assessment for each Course* (3.1.4) If a participation grade will be worth more than 10%, a clear rubric must be provided outlining evaluation criteria (3.1.6) Final exams should not be worth more than 75% of the grade, unless the student is given a … Continue reading Grade Breakdowns

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